
Revenue & Costs Analysis


Discover the fiscal footprint of your city or other jurisdiction’s development pattern and regulations. With the right data and analysis your city or other jurisdiction can approach development regulations more like building an investment portfolio rather than just a list of rules.

  • Model the revenue generation and/or cost burden of zoning districts, land use
    categories, or any type of district such as neighborhoods or business districts.
  • Model specific elements of development patterns such as age of structures, lot size and shape, floor area ratio, or proximity to services or facilities.
  • Measure the existing and potential financial impact of publicly owned land such as
    government owned or foreclosed properties.

Consensus Building & Public Engagement


Establish a more congenial environment for discussing your city’s development regulations and budgeting needs with local data and analysis. Our experience and insight  can help create a common vision of the existing conditions and potential outcomes.

  • Public engagement processes for comprehensive or small area plans.
  • Workshops for elected officials, citizens, and/or city staff.
  • Small focused studies on immediate issues.
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Strategic & Comprehensive Planning


Add depth and clarity to your long-range planning projects. Illustrating the connection between planning efforts and the budgeting process can generate more interest and better discussions about the future of the city. Ask what citizens can afford to pay for along with what development patterns they want to see.

  • Comprehensive Planning
  • Strategic Planning
  • Capital Improvement Plan Modeling
  • Neighborhood and Small Area Plans
  • Planned Development Analysis

Policy Analysis & Drafting


Give your fiscal analysis some teeth and lasting impact by incorporating any desirable outcomes of the modeling and analysis into local ordinances. With extensive experience in drafting and enforcing ordinances we can help you draft ordinances that meet the aesthetic and financial desires of citizens for the built environment.

  • Model financial impact of existing and proposed development policies
    - Zoning Ordinance
    - Subdivision Ordinance
    - Planned Developments
    - Overlay Districts
    - Plan Policy Recommendations
  • Draft and amend development policies based on financial impacts

Contact Us

Call us at 979.571.0238, email,  or fill out this form and we will get in touch with you promptly.

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